
Thursday, July 15

Tracy Anderson Method: Fitness Update #1

Hey Ladies:

We have finally gotten a reprieve from the insufferable heat and humidity gripping the Northeast, and I am taking full advantage.  Right now I am sitting out on my deck with a big water and my laptop writing this blog post.  Sometimes I love the summer!  Now would be one of those times.

So, I thought I would write a quick update about my Tracy Anderson Method progress.  I have been doing the Mat DVD consistently for about 3 weeks now.  And I have to say, I think I am noticing a difference, especially in my upper body.  My arms and shoulders seem to be becoming leaner.  I'm also starting to get the v on my stomach....(if I flex!! LOL) There is still plenty of rollie-polliness to be lost there.  

I haven't really done the dance cardio dvd that many times.  I did try a few times and I found it challenging; but, to be honest I really started to miss my daily runs.  (For the record, Tracy is not an advocate of running...she suggests creating a 40 minute play list and doing a different activity, like skipping, plies, galloping, etc, for each of the songs.)  Because I miss it so much I started incorporating running back into my workout routines.  Today I did the mat routine dvd and then went to the gym for a quick 3 mile run on the treadmill.  If I am pressed for time and cannot leave the house, then I just do the mat dvd.  I figure that is better than doing nothing!

Food wise I have been doing much better too.  I started writing down absolutely EVERYTHING that I eat in a notebook about 3 weeks ago.  I never realized how much random crap I snacked on during the day.  Those 2 crackers, handful of popcorn, 10 chips, etc really add up.  Through writing everything down I have been able to eliminate most of this needless snacking, thankfully!  Also, I am happy to report that I have lost 3 pounds...yay!  Basically, I have lost 1 pound per week, which is a healthy amount to lose.  My fitness goal is not to really lose that much weight.  I'm mostly interested in really toning up and lowering my body fat percentage.  Ideally, I would like to get down to like 15-18%....right now I am at 23%.  I plan on doing through a combination of moderate weight loss and adding some muscle.  

I have also discovered this amazing "fitness guru" on youtube.  Her name is Sarah Dussault and she is a personal trainer, producer, and tv host in the Boston area.  Her channel offers a variety of videos including workout ideas, fitness product reviews, and diet advice.  I really like her!

Here is the link to her  She is super cute and a really great source for information!  Her blog also has all of her youtube videos linked to it.

How do you stay in shape?  Do you have an tips for me?  Any and all advice is welcome!!

Have you tried Tracy Anderson.....what were your results?



  1. Great for you for being so committed! I have been wanting to try a Tracy Anderson DVD for a while now! I will definitely have to check it out.
    So funny, I am writing a fitness post for tomorrow!

  2. Hey Andi: I look forward to reading your exercise post...I always look for tips from others. I voted on your fitness survey too. I would highly recommend the Tracy Anderson Mat DVD....I don't love the dance cardio. I also want to order the Post-Pregnancy workout...(I don't even have kids...LOL) but my friends has it and said the entire video is like 40 minutes of abs and it is AMAZING!

  3. Hi Jordyn:

    I just joined your blog and I love your insight into the Trady Anderson Method.I myself am a devotee to the method for about 6 months now. I started after I had my son Chase and I must say that that Tracy Anderson has helped me once again fit back into my skinny jeans. I will admit to taking a break for the past 2 weeks and being lazy with my dance cardio but I will get back to it soon ...this week soon! I just started my own blog..not about fitness but about my love of baking. The blog is also a dedication to my son...Chase. Check it out...

  4. Jackie: thanks for joining:) Look forward to following your blog. I've been off tracy for 4 days now....I just needed a break.

  5. Hi Jordyn:

    I actually just did the Tracy Anderson Pre-Natal workout last night and my arms were burning. I am really trying to get back into the routine but as you know with a baby, it can be tough. I actually do not do the cardio dance because I do find it is unmotivating so that is my challenge right now. I would rather power walk or do the stairs than to do the dance cardio, Ha! I do find that cutting out sweets and night time snacking really helps me but for a majority of the time, I lower my carbs by eating 1 slice of bread verus 2 or make mini size cookies verus full-size. I shave off a little here and there and absolutely no alcohol. I had a baby almost a year ago and I lost all the weight in about 5 months. So, good luck are on the right path :)
